Ler Fokelgamsk-Seolgamsk kas ler Fokelgamsk-Tayvigamsk


Fokelgamsk, or Fokelgamish, is my conlang! it is currently divided into two major dialects, Fokelgamsk-Seolgamsk (Fokelgamish Sunlandic) and Fokelgamsk-Tayvigamsk (Fokelgamish Dheyviguni). there are other distinct major distinct dialects that i've only barely worked on, Fokelgamsk-Itmolensk (Fokelgamish Itmolese) and Fokelgamsk-Nezakrunsk (Fokelgamish Nezacrunese, also known as Syalskay), but that will come later.

Fokelgamish is spoken in the Originations Universe. It is the sole official language of much of Fokelgam (officially, both dialects are distinct languages, but many consider them dialects of the same language). the dialects and subdialects of the language are, in order of number of speakers

  • Fokelgamsk-Seolgamsk (Fokelgamish Sunlandic): spoken in the Annajorhas, Norck, and northern Kostahl regions, as well as Safagam, the Numako Tropics, coastal Sucesnea, and a small part of the Seolgamish island of Ler Lilligam
  • Fokelgamsk-Kostask (Coastal Fokelgamish): spoken in northern Kostahl and throughout the Granhau
  • Fokelgamsk-Annajorensk (Fokelgamish Annajorhan): spoken throughout Annajorhas except in Syrsta.
  • Fokelgamsk-Syrstansk (Fokelgamish Syrstan): spoken in and around the capital city, Syrsta.
  • Fokelgamsk-Norsk (Northern Fokelgamish): spoken in the Norck region except Memoiregam and the Borz-speaking regions, as well as the southern part of the Borz bailiwick of Nova
  • Fokelgamsk-Memoirsk (Memoiregamish): spoken in Memoiregam except the Felnian-speaking regions.
  • Fokelgamsk-Tayvigamsk (Fokelgamish Dheyviguni)
  • Fokelgamsk-Aviask (Avese Fokelgamish): spoken on the island of Avia
  • Sau Fokelgamsk-Syrstansk (Southern Fokelgamish Syrstan): spoken in the southern part of the capital city, Syrsta.
  • Fokelgamsk-Itmolensk (Fokelgamish Itmolese): spoken in Itmol, Itmol-Tulynn, Mycadu, the Rangor Protectorate, Ophequia, Ontrea, and Dukagam.
  • Alphabet

    The Fokelgamsk-Seolgamsk alphabet has 27 letters. The Fokelgamsk-Tayvigamsk has 24.

    Seolgamsk alphabet


    A B D T E F G H I K C L M N P O Q R S Ч U V W X Y Ф Z (Ƈ)


    a b d t e f g h i k c l m n p o q r s ч u v w x y ф z (ƈ)

    Tayvigamsk alphabet


    A B D T E F G H I K C L M N P O R S Š Ч U V W Ф


    a b d t e f g h i k c l m n p o r s š ч u v w ф

    new letters

    Unless stated otherwise, the letters are pronounced the same as they would be when speaking English.

  • Represented here using cyrillic "ef" (Ф ф), pronounced the same as "th". Sometimes, especially in Memoirsk, this letter is rendered as "th". When speaking the letter specifically, it would be pronounced "Tho-uh" or "though-uh"
  • Represented here using cyrillic "che" (Ч ч), pronounced the same as "j" or "dzh" (depending on the dialect). This letter can also be rendered as "J". All Js are pronounced softer, more like a "dzh" or "zh" sound
  • D (d) is pronounced "ode" or "ode-ay", not "dee". the D sound cannot start a word - if D appears at the start of a word, it is pronounced like "T".
  • C (c) is pronounced "chee", not "see". it is pronounced the same as "ch". the letter combo "ch" is pronounced either "sh" or "ch" in Seolgamsk, but as a hard "K" in Tayvigamsk.
  • W is pronounced more like "woah" when speaking the letter, but functions the same.
  • Q is pronounced like "quo" when speaking the letter. it is always pronounced as "qu" or "kw", regardless of if a U follows the letter or not. In Tayvigamsk, this sound is always rendered as "Kw".
  • Ƈ is a "loanletter" used in Seolgamsk for borrowed words where the letter C is pronounced "K". for example, the country of Cabo Verde would be rendered Ƈabo Verde.
  • Š (š) is pronounced "sh". in most dialects, this is rendered with either "sh" or "ch" instead.
  • Classical Fokelgamish featured the letter ↄ, spoken "kharel", pronounced "kh". this was mostly replaced with K over time, and is now rendered by "kh" in the few words that still use the sound.